Personal statement

Hi,I am Fourth-year Bachelor of Information Technology student (2021). My undergraduate level was a triple major focus in Information Science, Information Systems and Computer Science.

My Honours-level (4th year) focuses are in Computer Security, Software Engineering and Data Warehousing.With an increase in malware, cyber terrorism and other malicious security threats, organisations are turning to cyber-security specialists to implement and maintain state-of-the-art security infrastructures and policies. I expect to gain contemporary knowledge on security topics in the industry from the COS 720 (Computer and Information Security) module.

My degree's core skill is in software development. Software engineering goes beyond the scope of development and focuses on the processes that are behind constructing a software system. I chose COS 730 (Software Engineering I) in order to be exposed to the project management and architectural aspect of development.

As part of my elective choice in the Informatics department, I went with INF 785 (Data warehousing). This was partly due to my curiosity of the full spectrum of data mining. Data warehousing serves as a fundamental and leading step to data mining and a critical skill which can add value to an organisation's success in taking advantage of strategic information. My aim is to understand the principles behind successfully implementing a data warehouse in small, medium to large organisations. This would increase my portfolio because I will have the skills needed to take advantage of big data through data warehousing and data mining. Data warehousing specialists are sought after in the IT industry due to their ability to direct an organisation towards healthy utilisation of operational information into strategic information.


Education & Certification

National Senior Certificate

Klerksdorp Technical High School

Study focus in Biology, Computer Applications Technology and Physical Sciences.


Bachelor & Honours in Information Technology

University of Pretoria

Studying all aspect of Information Technology Including Business Management, Mathematics, English, Programming and Advanced Programming, Systems Development, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Databases, Networks, Information Organization and Retrieval, Computer Architecture, Software Engineering and Multimedia


Job Experiences

Publications Manager

Edrijo Events

Duties and responsibilities included: marketing, managing of social media accounts and sponsorship drafting and editing

2018 - 2019


University of Pretoria Business Incubator

Administrative duties in marketing and investments department.


Academic Information Management Teaching Assistant

University of Pretoria

Focus in student academic assistance.


Operating Systems Teaching Assistant

University of Pretoria

Focus in data capturing and student academic assistance.


Academic Information Management Assistant Lecturer

University of Pretoria

  • Preparation and presentation of lectures
  • Facilitation of exam sessions and consultation session
  • Further duties to the discretion of Head of Department


Technical skills

Graphic Design

70% Complete (success)

Web Design & Development

65% Complete

Search Engine Optimisation

30% Complete (warning)

Social Media Management

65% Complete (success)

Programming Languages/Frameworks


80% Complete (success)


85% Complete (success)


67% Complete (success)


70% Complete (success)

Microsoft SQL Server

75% Complete (success)


60% Complete (success)


60% Complete (success)


65% Complete (warning)

Node.js Express

45% Complete (warning)


30% Complete (danger)